Let’s act together for a circular economy
Who are we?
Valipac is the accredited organisation for the extended producer responsibility applied to commercial and industrial packaging. Our mission is to support our customers in their transition to a circular economy for commercial and industrial packaging.
Our results 2022
90.3% global recycling rate for industrial packaging
698,000 tonnes industrial packaging recycled
42,000 companies receiving incentives
6,200 customers who trust us
Revision of the packaging and packaging waste directive
24/05/2023Valipac welcomes the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) initiative of the European Commission to put clear quantitative goals in...
Your industrial packaging
Being a Valipac member is your guarantee that your business is complying with industrial packaging regulations.
What does Valipac do for you?Facilitate the circular economy
Thanks to its participatory structure, Valipac occupies a central place in the value chain. We act on each of the pillars of the circular economy.
Our activitiesSorting waste in your company
As a company, sorting your waste is a legal requirement. And it is easier than you might think. In addition to helping to preserve the environment, you can also benefit from Valipac’s financial incentives.